These I do believe are just about the most spectacular whimsies I've seen, and certainly had in my possession. Each was carved from one piece of wood, with either two or three small balls inside of each one’s two cages—the taller with carved fists at either end, the shorter with crosshatched patterns that for some reason remind me of pineapples! Ornately detailed all over, they make me think of bons bons rolled in fancy paper and cinched with bows at either end. With beautifully aged red white and blue paint, I'd think 19th century for sure. And a custom stand to boot. Fantastic.
Longer whimsy measures 10 1/8" l x 15/16" wide and deep. Shorter measures 8 1/2" l x 3/4" wide and deep. Both in excellent condition, no cracks or chips or other issues whatsoever that I can see. The base of the metal stand measures 3" w x 2 5/8" d.