Old German Papier Mache "Putz" Dog with Jointed Rear Legs

Regular price $48.00

I'm not sure if this dog has experienced some interventions over the years, but I think he's pretty wonderful! It seems to me his jointed back legs are original (though unusual as far as these go) and that the front ones, which are wooden, have just lost their papier mache "fur".  There is a piece coming out of a hole in his back, which may once have attached him to something or provided a means for hanging him, but I'm not sure. In any case, from nose to glass eyes to tail, he's really fabulous and really, how not to love him?

4 1/4" l x 3 1/4" t x 2 1/4" w and in sound condition. One front wooden leg will pull out if one tries, but it is easy to push it back in and it stays put well. Earlyish 20th c. I believe.