A marvelous antique folk art box, made in part of salvaged crate wood, with a lid that opens up, a drawer that pulls out, and terrific hand-carved decoration all over, best of all these pairs of birds on the sides with tails overlapping. And the interior of the top section is lined with old newspaper which close inspection reveals is advertising quack medic Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy (c. 1880s-90s) with portraits of several individuals who were, apparently, cured by it. The hand and sensibility of its maker is all over every inch of this, giving it a really warm and wonderful presence, with its original surface in tact, showing a very dark red stain/paint.
10 5/8" wide x 7 1/2" tall x 6 3/8" deep. Overall very good antique condition, with a few minor losses to the carved decoration that I don't think detract a bit. The newspaper inside is pretty brittle and flaky, and there is just a little warping to the wood of the lid, but it closes flat, the hinges are in good shape, and the drawer opens and closes with each. Structurally very sound and sturdy.