This is one of my new favorite photographic portraits ever, including for the fact that this young woman keeps reminding me of a young Chloe Sevigny, which makes me think of the subject here, in her white dress, white stockings, big bow, and unsmiling expression, as something of a style icon too. But the framing is also a big part of what makes it great, with a checkerboard patterned linsey-woolsey weaving stretched behind her almost like an op art painting, and then a rocky ground peeking out below it where she stands, a mound of flowers at her feet. Striking, curious, with a bit of a Diane Arbus feeling about it, I could look at this all day.
5 1/2" x 3 1/4" and in good condition. There is a light crease to the bottom right corner, as documented, pretty minor. Unused postcard back. Early 20th c.