Splint Gathering Basket in Wonderful Old Seafoam Green Paint

Regular price $110.00

I'm finding myself paying close attention to old painted baskets these days, and wondering why I haven't before--many things out there that are great vehicles for delivering the joys of old paint, but the way paint holds to wicker seems especially good--and even better for the woven patten of warp and weft. This gathering basket I believe dates to the 1920s-30s or so, clad in a sea foam green paint that feels iconic to the period. Details are best at giving a sense of the beauty of the surface. 

14 4/8" l x 9 1/4" d x 11" t including handle (sides measure 6 1/4" tall.) A few losses at bottom corners as documented, but overall good condition, stable and pretty sound. I wouldn't put a lot of weight in it, but fine for carrying light things or filling with a bunch of dried flowers, say.