Early 1950s's Strange Deception (aka The Forbidden Christ) Vintage 3D Glasses

Regular price $15.00

It seems exactly right that a vintage pair of 3D glasses should advertise a film titled "Strange Deception"--which makes me consider these very much readymade works of art--and very timely ones at that.

A little research turns up series of different years associated with the release of "Strange Deception," from 1949 to 1953, and the original title for the film, written and directed by Italo-German novelist Curzio Malaparte (born Kurt Erich Suckert) was "The Forbidden Christ." The film "tells a postwar revenge story that is resolved as a Christian morality play." (Dennis Schwartz, Dennis Schwartz reviews.) And the NYT called it "a curiously disjointed tale showing effects of editing." So, one might say, all sorts of strange deceptions at play. And the black handheld glasses with blue and red lenses are pretty great looking. 

5 1/4" x 1 9/16". Sold individually (price is for one.) Both pairs in great condition.