Beautiful Old Hand-forged, Hand-carved Tool

Regular price $45.00

My best guess would be that this tool was used for basketmaking, but I honestly have no idea, I just think it's a very beautiful thing! Two of the arms have hooks at their ends that seem made for grabbing and pulling, and the third seems as if it could be used punching as well as coiling something around. The long arm folds down to rest inside of a groove carved into the side of the handle--though at this point it doesn't   close quite all the way in. Lovingly made whatever its purpose, and surely there are many sorts of things it could be used for now, but also just a very satisfying thing to carry around in one's hand. 

4 3/8" l x 1 1/2" w x 3/4" d. Other than not closing all the way tight, very good condition with a beautiful patina from age and use.