Zion Pentcostal [Sic] Church Sign on Old Slate

Regular price $75.00

A quick search reveals lots of Zion Pentecostal churches out there; I found this sign in Great Barrington, MA, but am not sure where it originated. I like it for the lettering--done in copper colored paint, with a great no-fuss immediacy, and an especially good E in Pentcostal--and for the fact that Pentecostal is misspelled, and also that it was done on an old double sided slate, with lovingly jointed corners. With a really good objecthood and a nice warm patina to the old pine frame, it feels rather holy to me!

13 7/8” t w x 14 1/8” t x 5/8” d and in good condition, sturdy and stable and with a good amount of age to it for sure.