Total love at first sight with this one, an old hobby horse I believe, which has definitely been ridden around a bunch, but I think is all the better and more empathetic for it. The ears are made of leather, the post is solid wood, and there are (still readable) layers of newspaper showing through where the creamy white paint has worn off, contributing to what I find to be a really be a beautiful surface (which my photos don't quite do justice). Sold as I found it stuck into this rounded solid wood base, from which it is easily removed to be ridden around again!
24 inches tall in stand. Horse on post alone measures 18 1/8" t x 8 1/2" w x 2 3/4" d. Very sound and stable; paint is not actively chipping off and newspaper is not flaking off.
**Please note, due to dimensions, shipping for international orders will be more that is shows at check-out. If you are a buyer outside of the U.S. please contact me for shipping cost.