Oh, this face! One of my favorite faces ever, and such a singular one, with huge almond shaped eyes, wispy hair framing giant ears, and hawking nose-- made all the better by the orange and black striped hat resting atop his head, and the carved slit defining his slightly open mouth, making it seem that surely he has something to say! I do believe this is my favorite acrobatic squeeze toy I’ve found (and I've had a bunch), and definitely quite an old one, having lost the toe of one shoe over what I’d think is 125 years at least. Other than that he is in truly excellent shape, flipping around, upside down and into various positions with ease, and with the original wires securing his arms and legs still holding tight. A total charmer.
Overall dimensions: 12 3/8" t x 3 3/8" w. Figure measures 7 1/8" tall. The figure is carved of wood with what looks to me like a combination of graphite for the face and either crayon or paint for the orange and black details.