A handful of Victorian paper lace valentines today, because 'tis almost the season, and what a lovely thing to give to a beloved, including oneself. I'm fussy about ones I like, choosing these several from more than a hundred 19th c. examples I had the joy of perusing last weekend which had been collected over many years by a major Maine based paper dealer, whose collection was not long ago acquired by another Maine dealer and friend.
This I believe is a fairly early one, mid 19th c. I believe, and delivers delights on every surface, front to back. I love the upside-down heart-shaped curtains framing the loving couple on the front, with a peek-a-boo view to the interior, where one finds "Life's fairest lot be thine" preceded by handwritten verse: Then hasten time / The happy day / When we shall meet / To Part no more. A lover's valentine if there ever was one. And on the back, a longer handwritten verse, about the slowness with which time passes when one is separated from one's true love.
7 11/16" x 4 15/16". Some soiling/toning, a bit more pronounced in photos than in hand, but no losses or tears and quite a charming one.