More things dug from piles, these two letters and envelopes chosen primarily for their aesthetic value--I love the dense flurry of letters and flourishes on one of them, and most especially the envelope reading "I had a dag bay," a sort of pig latin I assume for a bad day. Then this great bust of a woman above it, and a little man with hat and horse on reverse. One of the letters is addressed to an Atkins Blair and dated 1888, and talks a lot about a Cordelia Davis' recent death and subsequent funeral. The other, from a William Blair to his parents, is mainly concerned about not having received any recent correspondence from them, going on and on about what might have happened, until, midway through his writing to them, he receives their letter! On the envelope I love the
Smaller envelope (with drawings) measures 5 1/4" x 2 7/8". Larger envelope 5 3/4" x 3 1/8". Good condition, ink clear and very readable, all contents documented.