The Dog, the Church, and the Sailor: Triumvirate of Antique Thread Framed Photographs

Regular price $195.00

A group of three wonderful antique thread-framed photographs found together near the Hudson River Valley--clearly all made by the same person, and a sort of triumvirate of touchstones: dog, church, and (the largest) young sailor, son I presume, though perhaps husband. I come across thread wrapped photos every now and then, but rarely ones as colorfully framed as these, and don't think I've seen ones with thread framing anything other than human portraits!

I debated whether to list these individually or as a set, opting for the latter because together they form something of a narrative about the life and loves of their maker--and make for quite a striking installation on the wall. (And who am I tear them apart from one another now?) Each is I think singularly excellent though: charmer of a beloved terrier atop what looks like hay piled against a barn, which one imagines was his or her favorite spot; white painted church perched on hilltop like a beacon, photographed from below as if perpetually held in view, governing their daily lives, as it surely did; and finally this handsome young sailor, rifle with bayonet in hand, WW1 era.  

Dog and church are same size: 6 5/8 x 4 3/4 each. Sailor: 8 5/8 x 5 3/4. All are in good condition considering the delicacy of these. Photos show age, some toning, and a bit of rippling. No loss to the thread on the dog photo, and I think not to the church either, it's just that the the vertical edges of the photo inside are poking through just a hair. A bit of thread loss on the sailor frame visible to outside edge of left bottom triangle. One just wants to be a bit gentle handling it to prevent any unravelling.