Several Times Removed...Antique Copy Tintype (of Hand-painted Tintype?)

Regular price $45.00

As I've said before, I love a photo of an earlier photo, embodying the desire to carry information, and specifically the likeness of a loved one, forward, and also speaking to the transition from one means of representation/reproduction to another. Even better when there is some mystery to it. This sixth plate tintype is an example, with the clip used to hold up the portrait being copied visible at bottom center. What I'm not entirely sure of is the nature of the original being photographed--looks to me like an earlier hand-painted tintype, with oval mat over top? The portrait of this rather stern looking woman certainly possess the strangeness of folk art painted tintypes with matte painted grounds--an example of which I've got listed today as well. I love her intensity, looking a bit like a hunting hound, with eyes that seem to follow one around the room! 

3 5/8" x 2 5/8". Irregular/clipped lower corners and just a bit of bending to top ones.