I'm super into this tin (and its contents), which I have found no other example of out there, though I have found mention of the product (and a trade card matching the lithograph covering the tin) in a feature published by the Ephemera Society of America titled "Fire! Victorian Advertisers Capitalize on Danger." Here's a link. The c. 1880s tin (1882 patent) certainly shows plenty of wear and aging (almost as if having been through a fire itself!) but is still almost entirely readable; I especially love "Indestructible Fire Kindler" in dramatic capital red letters, and themother holding her child in front of the fireplace, looking almost as if about to throw her into the flames! And then inside, still two used kindling sticks in their original wrappers. I might gift this to a prospective sweetheart!
3 15/16" w x 3 1/4" t x 1 3/16" d. Plenty of surface wear as documented and a bit of tearing to the lid of the tin, but stable and I might argue all the better for the wear.