I'm not quite sure how the surface of this box came to be so, but it makes me super happy that it did, and I feel as if it might just hold the secrets of the universe! (My guess it that a child many years ago went to work on it with a sharp tool, yielding a mix of letters and numbers and symbols that, together with a few gauges and a bit of paint here and there add up to a pretty fantastic surface. The sides and bottom are much less carved up; the interior is clean, and was more recently was painted a sort of beige; the corners are jointed, and there is a brass latch at front that holds it closed very well. On one short side is printed B&S Ratchet Socket Wrench Set, which I believe dates the box to the late 1800s.
Dimensions: 12 15/16" l x 6 1/6" d x 2 5/8" t. There is a hairline split that runs about half way across the top, I don't think detracting. Back hinges are in good shape and it is structurally sound and sturdy.