I've come to keep an eye out for old bee boxes, especially for the fact that they tend to vary widely, each one representing its individual maker's solution to the problem of capturing, releasing, and transporting bees. This one is pretty straight-forward as far as they go, with just a single chamber, perhaps just for carrying a queen(?)--fronted with a pane of glass and backed with a sliding door, which looks to have been cut from a cigar box, as there is some old printed decoration at the bottom. I really like its elegant simplicity, and also think it could make a pretty terrific display box for an object or two, which would be held tight inside when the slide door is closed.
7 1/2" t x 5" w x 2 7/8" d and in very good condition. I have not touched the glass, which I believe would clean up some if desired. There is a tiny gap between the glass plate and bottom edge of the frame--no matter. It would be easy to add a hook to the back to hang on the wall. Early 20th c I believe.