Yum. I purchased this barn along with three more structures from a seller in Maryland, all of them clearly made by the same person long ago, together adding up to a tabletop farm (house, coop, barn and dog house!) Because each structure is its own excellent thing, and because a whole farm may be a bit much for one person to accommodate, I am selling each piece individually. Each one, scratch made of tin, is quite a singular thing, all with wonderful lines and proportions, and made especially special I think by their surfaces, which look like energetic scribbled line drawings This two story barn, with terrific porch-like pen cut with horizontal slats (to let the animals see the sun and breath fresh air!) is the the largest of them all, very poetic feeling to me and quite striking.
11 15/16" l x 7" w x 10 1/8" t and in good overall condition, earlyish 20th c. I believe. Sound and sturdy, with the loss of doors on one side and a bend at the base of the right door frame on that side.