I never hesitate when I find 19th c watercolor drawings like this, likely done by a school child--the combination of grace and awkwardness and immediacy, together with the use of color, just makes my heart ache. I found this, and another I am listing by the same person I believe, in Lancaster County, PA, and am pretty certain that is around where they originated. Most typically one finds these cut into smaller bits; rarer to find the complete original page with two drawings on it. And here, what a pair, I am pretty certain representing Civil War Union soldiers. I really love the detailed spur on the calvary soldier at top, and the raised sword against flag of the soldier below (who also looks to me quite like a French revolutionary!) And on the reverse, written in pencil: "please mind your own business"!
12 x 6 3/8". Overall very good condition, with a light fold midway down, which I believe one should be able to flatten out pretty well.