I don't doubt the genuine sorrow of this dreamy young sailor over those he has lost, though it does appear he might rather enjoy playing the part of mourner!:) Every detail of this wonderful drawing enhances its almost over the top romanticism: the tiny crosses atop the tombstone against which he leans, the moon over his shoulder and halo of stars above him; the late hour of the church clock; the cap in his hand, which points straight to tiny boat filled with sailors far on the horizon; and then this great tiny house on cliff to his right! So perfectly moody, and so good!
6 1/8" t x 4 1/4" w. Late 19th/very early 20th century I believe. Aged and worn, but still very readable and truly charming. The sky particularly shows some stains and smudging; I think it was always lightly all-over shaded, but definitely has smeared some. The paper is in good shape, no tears or creases, just light wear around the edges. I think likely the top and right edges were trimmed at some point, partially cutting off what appears to read "Alexander" at top.