I purchased this little box as well as a trunk-shaped one by the same maker from a dealer friend in Cambridge with one of the very best eyes I know. They both have the first-glance feeling of very sweet folk objects to me, almost with the feel of trench art pieces, but yet they're quite nicely crafted, and stamped with a maker's mark, MS, on the underside. Definitely with good age, earlyish 20th c. I would guess--and the combination of octagonal shape, rolled up edges (like sardine tins!), and dove with olive branch, signaling peace, make it very winning to me. A nice one for a valentine too, I'd say--perhaps with a little love note, or peace treaty, rolled up inside!
3 1/8" d corner to corner, 1" t. Pewter with brass bird I believe, with the interior shiny silver (I assume pewter polished to a high shine, though almost has the feeling of 625 silver or similar.