In this case, I think two is exponentially better than one! I purchased these from a seller in England, which is where they originated--hand-painted porcelain teacups produced by James Duke of Hill Potteries in Burslem, Staffordshire, England c. 1860. Of course what attracted me is the repaired handles, and especially the combination of two different manners of repair, one requiring more mending than the other and each done in a slightly different way, making them a happily unmatched matching pair, which focuses attention all the more so on those handles, and interiors where the handles meet the cup. The repairs were likely done by an itinerant tinker later in the 19th century, and clearly these were two of one family's prized set. And what lovely cups to begin with too, making for a great play between those delicate painted flowers, gold patterned rim, and the silver of the staples.
Approx 2 3/4 inches high by 3 1/8 inches diameter, approx 4" across at handle. Both in very good condition, one brighter white one more cream colored, with minor gold paint loss and fading to the flower on interior bottom of cup.