It was pure delight to find this drawing, wonderfully illustrating how to "enlarge or diminish by means of a square," and then one point perspective, with eye of the scope held by our heroine serving as the vanishing point. I really love that even as they illustrate systematic scaling up or down of a particular image, the two gridded women have entirely different sorts of faces (though they share the same fabulous gown). And then this fabulous all-seeing woman at the bottom with cropped hair and staff looking one part scholar, one part goddess . Super.
19th century, earlyish I would guess, and I would think British. I believe it was once held in sketchbook/notebook as the left edge is uneven. The drawing measures 12 1/4" x 8 3/8" and is in good condition, with minor smudges/light stains around the edges and a bit of very light creasing or just light mark to the paper along the left edge, minor. In an old solid wood frame, as found: 16 7/16" x 12 3/8".
The frame shows wear and what I believe is a some old paint along the left edge--I would probably leave as is myself because I am lazy that way, but a new mat and great frame would really make it sing. Relatively newly backed with brown paper and wired for hanging.
There is some glare/reflection caught in photos.