Yum. I had one set of 19th c. bone letters months ago and have been looking for more since--so when I spotted this box on offer from a British seller, filled with 180+ of them, I jumped on it. For me, all of these beautiful letters together feels like total luxury, and also total possibility--the potential of every work that exists just sitting there in physical form, waiting to be spelled. These were used to teaching spelling in the 19th c., and I have to think we'd all fall in love with language if they were again.
Four complete alphabets; a fifth just missing a G (for which an extra C turned upside down could be used); and 52 more letters on top of that, some of them red. All pictured included. Box measures 6 11/16" x 4 1/2" x 2 5/8". Letters 5/8" to 11/16" t. No broken letters at all, all plus the box in excellent condition, 3rd quarter 19th c. I believe.