Love Not Sleep, 19 C. Sunderland Tranferware Crock with Hand-painting, Unusual Form

Regular price $80.00

I look at a fair bit of earlyish 19th c. transferware, but it's a rare occasion to come across a transferware pot/crock like this one.  I am 99% certain this one was made by Sunderland, England, and I believe once has a lid, long gone. The short verse on one side is pretty unusual too- I read it as basically saying 'do not be lazy!' On the flip side is a blindfolded man flanked by two women and floundering around as if in a game of blind mans bluff--- and what this has to do with the verse I have no idea! My thought might be to use the vessel for morning cereal or a big bowl of cafe au lait--reminding oneself of the virtue of getting out of bed! (And, hopefully, wealth will ensue!)

4 7/8 d x 6 1/16 handle x 3” t. Crazing all over but no chips or cracks and both transfers and painting are bright and crisp.