Young John Enman, whose school history is tracked through this lot of 18 report cards, spanning 1st grade to high school, really excelled in conduct and all aspects of English, but definitely did not enjoy math! He spent almost all of his school years in Manhattan--P.S 9 for elementary, P.S 87 William T. Sherman for middle school, and Dewitt Clinton for high school--then moved to York, Maine (where I found these) for his last two years, graduating in 1939. Pretty fun to see that students received grades in hygiene, co-operation, honor and penmanship! And the design of some of the cards is great. A fun gift, especially for a studious Manhattanite!
18 total, largest measure 7 x 4 1/2"; smallest 5 3/4" x 3 3/8". Overall great condition.