This small photo has lived quite a life, looking as if carried around, perhaps in a wallet, for many many years, and I find it about evocative as they come. Looks to me like this long aisle receding into to the distance is flanked on both sides by rows of uniform cots, with some sort of stove or heater at near left--I would guess an army barracks. For me, it's very much about the geometries (beautiful echo between floor and ceiling) and the framing and point of view, and especially about how the (very) young men at the far end, on their beds, all seem just to have turned to face the camera, such that the photograph seems completely of that fleeting moment. Hard to describe, but I find it all deeply poetic.
3 1/2" x 2 1/4". Much handled, worn around the edges as evident, surface wear and light cracking--all of which I think are much of what make it. "Roseatone" written on reverse.