Hands Parting, Man Flying, Curious Old Ink Drawing with Collaged Photo

Regular price $48.00

A curious little ink drawing, with these two hands seeming to have just tugged at either end of something, launching a small exposition or gust or cloud burst that has sent the twisted up man at top into flight, cane in hand. Everything is hand-drawn but for his head, which is a tiny cutout and pasted on photograph, in which he wears a cap with chin strap that makes him look a little like a bell hop. Perhaps the narrative is that he is at the beck and call of the everyone those two hands represent--snapping their literal or proverbial fingers and sending him into action! Quite a thing!

Ink drawing with photo on card mounted to card. Card: 5 5/8" x 4". Drawing: 3 1/8" x 3 5/8". Good condition, with plenty of glue stain around the edges of the drawing and scattered stains, I don't think at all detracting.