Graphically Satisfying and Creatively Useful Chicago Curtain Stretcher Co. Hostess Doily Stretcher

Regular price $90.00

Imagine a time when people--women, largely--were so committed to having crisp and perfectly round doilies that they would own a board like--patented in 1940 by the Chicago Curtain Stretcher Co. and sold at Montgomery Ward. Easier. More effective and efficient than ironing, apparently; a necessity for the perfect hostess the name would imply. But maybe, when husbands were at the office, women got together and threw darts at it! Now, quite a excellent thing graphically I think, a soft lemony yellow with blue lines and concentric circles delineating what looks like a giant target on a  22 inch square grid. With a permeable surface, like a pegboard, made for use with pushpins I believe--and this one clearly stretched some doilies, with holes all over, all to the good I think. I think it's terrific hung on the wall just as it is, but it could also make a great peg board for pinning things up now, or surface for gridding out diagrams or  marking patterns, or a million different things. 

24 5/8" x 24 5/8" and in very good, well used condition. Sound and sturdy, pine frame, hardboard/masonite back.