I purchased these and a few other pencil drawings by the same unknown artist from a dealer in Maine, who I believe purchased them some years ago from a notable Pennsylvania collection of naive drawings--and how happy I was to discover them! This group of four seemed right to group together, as they feel quite like members of a family, literally or figuratively, with Etta (?)--that hat! that dress! those shoes!-- clearly the luckiest of the bunch! Mother and daughter (surely!) to her left seem decidedly less so, and the at right I would think perhaps a daughter with what we now know as Down Syndrome.
Etta (or whatever her name!) measures 3 3/8" t x 2 1/8" w as point of reference. Pencil on (faintly lined) ledger paper, mounted--I believe these were cut out of a scrapbook at some point as they have portions of clippings on the reverse. Late 19th century I believe. A little age toning but overall very good condition.