Folk Art Fishing Lure Box with Fish (and Five Interior Boxes)

Regular price $80.00

I really love this one, most of all for the starry eyed fish on its face, looking rather as if sporting a mohawk and an overbite, but also for its great old green paint and the surprise of five smaller slide top boxes fit nearly inside--surely intended for holding lures, but now good for all sorts of things. It looks like the interior boxes once had pulls (I'd guess maybe just pins/nails), which one could easily add again, and would guess if anything it was trout flies they held, as they are super clean inside. Terrific patina to the outside box, better in person, and to my eye just terrific. 

6 3/4" t x 3 1/8" w x 3 7/8" d and in great shape, quite substantial, solid and sturdy. All slide tops slide smoothy and fit tightly. 1940s or so I would guess.