It should be noted that this drawing, dated 1859 on the reverse, is somewhat faint--and so it is one that requires and very much rewards close looking, delivering marvelous details, especially on the two tiny hatted figures at right. A quick search reveals that the Edgar S. Yergason, who signed this on the back, went on to fight in the Civil War, and to become a well known interior designer in Hartford, CT. I think he showed brilliance at a very young age, giving great life to the trees and bushes and house here, and best of all little boy swinging from one of those trees and the other standing beside water well with tiny wheel and pump. Finding drawings like this gives me infinite joy.
8 1/8” w x 8 1/4” t. Horizontal fold and toning as evident, with tiny holes down the right edge from where it was stitched into a notebook.