This wonderful one clearly did many years of duty as a scare cat out in the garden; it is much weathered, shows a few losses, and wants to be handled with a little gentleness now, but it's definitely the real, old deal, the likes of which I've not found before. One side shows an iron post running vertically down its center, which was then mounted to a wooden post that I assume was then stuck into the ground. The cat itself was constructed of three layers of wood, so even though there are splits on both sides, it has held together. The wooden post, though, is single layered, so the split near the top of it is what makes this a bit fragile now--but it's stable and just fine for propping or hanging somewhere. With great old yellow and red paint for the great little smiling face on each side.
19 3/4" t including wood post x 7" l. Stable, with quite a sense of aura. A few losses and splits to the wood of the cat itself as documented, and a split in the wood post near the top.