Some of you may remember that a few years ago I had (and sold) a whole army of carved figures clearly made by the same person as these—among my favorite finds ever. Well, miraculously I just found this set, which had somehow made their way to California, but which I’ve learned originated in/near Danbury Connecticut. And here, in addition to figures wielding all manner of weapons and tools, are horses (perhaps my favorite thing of all), and trees, and structures, including house, shed/outhouse and jailhouse. I find them quite extraordinary--and, as it turns out, the other set (of 26 figures) I had is available now through another dealer—so one could unite the whole society! (I'll be glad to put you in touch with the dealer, just ask!)
I personally would call these a work of “visionary” or “outsider” art in that they represent a very singular vision and what appears to have been a rather obsessive drive to create a whole world, I have to think as means to play out all sorts of conflicts and dramas. There are couples and cohorts, a spectrum of races/ethnicities, and even a tiny figure I assume represents a dwarf (as well as a man with a very large belly!) All have arms attached by pins that move freely, allowing weapons to be raised or lowered, or the weaponless to gesture or raise their arms toward an embrace.
Please scroll through photos to view all included, which would not all fit in one shot. Set includes 3 buildings, 5 trees, 3 horses, and 39 figures by my count!
Yellow building measures 7 7/8" long x 3 5/8" deep. Jail measures 5" x 5" x 5". Figures are in excellent condition, with next to no losses, all with arms moving, standing up steadily on their feet (or on their horses). Yellow structure shows some damage to the front side, but looks great turned around with the other side facing!