My obsession with antique Spellicans continues and always keep an eye out--and when I spotted these there was no way I wasn't going to snatch them up! I've had English and German sets, but this is the first set of Chinese spellicans I have had, and I believe these are probably ivory. They are quite substantial in thickness and weight, making them quite nice to play with, and wonderfully carved to resemble tools and weapons (these detailed pieces are worth more points when successfully removed in the game, which is essentially the same as pick-up sticks), with 13 more that are straight with carved banding near their tip. In addition, this set has been supplemented with some thinner bone spellicans, which I think may be British. (See photos for details; I have taken one separating them into the two groups.) There is one hook from the first set and another from the second for picking them up.
Late 19th century or so I'd think and in very good condition. Pieces measure between approx 4 to 4 1/8" long. No box included.