Carved, Painted Old Folk Art Totem on Heart Shaped Base

Regular price $150.00

Human, fox, and owl for sure, but what the black painted animal with long snout and pointy ears is, I'm not completely sure--looks rather like a wingless bat! I sure love the crossed arms of the orange-red fox and raised arms resting on folded knees of the man, who is screwed to a carved heart-shaped base, with some extra yellow paint surrounding him as he sits! I love carved totem poles of all sorts, which to me speak of the symbiotic interconnected of all things, this charming one found in Pennsylvania, early-ish 20th c I would guess.

10" t x 2 1/2" w x 3 1/8" d (base). Very good condition, with one tiny chip to the tail feathers of the owl, visible from back.