I know these tall pins were recently nabbed at a flea market in Paris, and then I purchased them from the seller who brought them home to Maine. It takes a lot to sell me on wooden skittles at this point, which one comes across fairly often, but these I was sold on immediately for the beauty and grace of of their elongated turned forms, and also for the very subtle red and blue paint color still on them--just lovely.(As with most everything, these are much more beautiful in person.)There would originally have been nine for playing the game of "Jeu de Quilles de Neuf' (nine pins) so one was lost along the way, but I'd be much more inclined to arrange these in a row just as objects anyway. (They could also be threaded on a rope and hung.) There are two balls with them, though, should one wish to play Jeu de Quilles de Huit!
Approx 12 1/2" t x 1 5/16" in diameter each. Beautiful aged condition, early 20th c. I believe.