Beautifully Hand-sculpted Terra Cotta Bust

Regular price $140.00

Total love at first sight with this one, hand-sculpted of terra cotta and fabulous all the way around, revealing different aspects of itself gradually. I find it quite elusive; I am not certain if representing a man or a woman, with the fantastically sculptural hair perhaps suggesting the latter, but the face looking somewhat more masculine to me, perhaps Latino. In any case, what a striking, strong face, with the slight cock of the head, wide open eyes and partial openness of the mouth lending a sense of questioning, and vulnerability perhaps, too. It is one I think I would never tire of looking at, finding something new in it every time. 

6 1/4” w x 5 1/8” t x 3 1/2” d  and in excellent condition with a very substantial presence. 1930s-40s I would guess. Unsigned.