Another very existential sort of a thing, and about as elemental/primordial feeling as it gets. The object is an old, much weathered carved dead eye--used in the rigging of traditional sailing ships. (From what I've read, the origin of the name "deadeye" actually comes from the resemblance of the three holes to the eye and nose sockets of a sheep's skull.) Fantastic old white painted surface on this one, making it feel all the more ghostly, and with a crack at the side of one eye that feels exactly right. With a custom stand that suits it perfectly, and from which it is easily removed.
On stand: 6 1/4” t. Alone: 3 1/8” w x 3 3/4” t x 1 7/8” d. Base of stand: 2 5/8 x 2 1/4”. Much aged but sound and stable, and not at all shedding paint. Stand is in excellent condition.