19th C. Token of Friendship Theorem: From a True Friend

Regular price $90.00

In my book, it's always time for a valentine or token of friendship, and what a lovely one is this, From a True Friend--indeed! The text appears to have been block printed, the rest done in watercolor and ink by hand (using hand-cut stencils, which is how theorems were made, and, I recently learned, the paint was often blown onto the paper via a glass tube, like a straw; at least so I was told!)  A lovely example, and unlike others I've seen - mid 19th c. I believe.

 Framed: 6 3/4" x 4 3/4". Paper: 5 1/16" x 3". All in very good condition, with the color super strong and rich. I popped it in this antique frame, which I think suits it nicely, backed with a couple of pieces of matboard.