To my eye a great charmer of a box, painted not once but twice with "Brushes" in a wonderfully painterly manner which feels quite artistic-romantic and looking to me as if it was done so right before getting to work! Made of pine, with finger-jointed corners, and a sliding lid that fits just right and slides easily, with a nail added along the end of the rail at some point to shore up a bit of loss. Great old red paint on the lid, dry wood with a terrific warm patina on the other sides. Sturdy and sound and useful for holding and carrying around brushes still, and just looking at it makes me really happy. Found in New Hampshire.
13 3/8 x 3 7/8 x 2 7/8” t and in good condition. The loss at the end of the lid rail is stable and does not prevent the lid from sliding well and holding tight.