Spencerian Pens: Beautiful Condition Antique Stationer's Pen Nib Case, Chock Full

Regular price $215.00

Another find this week on a loop through central and mid-coast Maine that brought pure joy and delight--and quite a lucky find, too, I think--a stationer's display box, completely filled with a spectrum of variously sized and shaped pen nibs! For me, I look at this in part as a fantastic found object: a near perfect embodiment of the power and possibilities of the pen, and endless potential of the written word, and language in general (including visual), and of all the stories yet to be told. And then of course is all the practice and precision associated with Spencerian penmanship and calligraphic drawings--making me this of this as a flock of Spencerian birds and gestural flourishes yet to loop across thousands of pages. And, practically, there is quite a trove of fine antique nibs here, packed into the niches (labelled with sizes), making it also feel like a cash drawer! Oak box, front clasp, glass top, beautiful condition. I did npt spend the time to go through all the nibs, which are largely but not perfectly sorted and am sure there are some I missed, but I pulled out a spectrum of them quickly, included in photos. 

 11 1/4 x 7 1/4 x 1 5/8 and in excellent condition, no issues  at all.